I Used Flintzy To Promote My YouTube Video. Here is What Happened…

Today, I've got an exciting post for all you small YouTubers out there—those of you navigating the challenges of growth and craving more views, subscribers, and engagement. If you've ever wondered about using promotional services like Flintzy, you're in the right place. In this post, I'll be sharing my firsthand experience with Flintzy, answering the burning question: Did it deliver real views? Was it effective? Or is it just another scam? Stick around because the results were truly intriguing.

What's Flintzy?

Let's kick things off by understanding what Flintzy is all about. The Flintzy team comprises certified Google Ads professionals. These folks know their way around Google Ads and use their expertise to promote your content across various platforms—blogs, apps, and video games. So, how does it work?

Getting Started with Flintzy

Getting started with Flintzy is a breeze. Simply create an account, log in, and head to your dashboard. I opted to promote a specific video, and here's the kicker: it's crucial to choose a video that has broad appeal. Evergreen content tends to perform best. In my case, I selected "How Much YouTube Paid Me My First Year." Copy and paste your video link, and you're on your way.

Defining Your Audience

Flintzy takes a targeted approach. Specify your target audience by providing keywords relevant to your video. You can even choose gender and age preferences to narrow down your audience. Flintzy collects this information to ensure your video reaches the right people, fostering genuine engagement.

Cost and Results

Now, let's talk numbers. The minimum investment is $20, but a suggested budget is around $50 for approximately 2000 views. My experience exceeded expectations, and I'll dive into the results shortly. Flintzy promises exposure and views, not guaranteed likes, comments, or subscribers. This transparency is a positive indicator of authenticity.

Quick Results and Analytics

Results come fast with Flintzy. In my case, I witnessed a significant increase in views within 24 to 48 hours of starting the campaign. When we look at analytics, we see the views skyrocketing after the campaign began, leveling out after it concluded around March 23rd or 24th.

Understanding the Trade-off: Engagement vs. Exposure

One trade-off to note is that engagement rates might drop temporarily. This is a common occurrence when pushing videos to a larger audience. The key is to prioritize exposure and discoverability, understanding that not every viewer will immediately engage with your content.

Audience Insights: Transparency in Action

Let's peek into audience insights. A whopping 99% of viewers during this campaign were not subscribed. This aligns with the goal of reaching a new audience—people who hadn't encountered my content before. The global reach was evident, with Turkey and the United States leading the geographies.

The Reach Part: Authentic Impressions

Flintzy delivered over 3000 impressions and around 4000 views, all from authentic YouTube advertising. This reinforces the legitimacy of the service—no bots, just real viewers. It's a good sign when a promotional service cannot guarantee specific engagement metrics.

Final Numbers and Conclusion

Logging into my Flintzy dashboard, I saw the final numbers—views went from around 2800 to close to 7000. For subscribers, the data pulled is limited, and in my case, they mostly came from a different video. Likes increased by 77, showcasing engagement, while comments remained the same.

A Positive Experience with Flintzy

Reflecting on my experience with Flintzy, I can confidently say it's a positive one. Having tested various promotional services, authenticity shines through with Flintzy. The pricing is reasonable, making it accessible for those looking to invest in growing their channel.

Your Turn: Share Your Experience!

Have you tried Flintzy or similar services? Share your experiences in the comments below. If you enjoyed this video and found it helpful, don't forget to hit the like button—it truly makes a difference for small YouTubers. And, of course, if you're into personal finance, side hustles, entrepreneurship, and investing, hit that subscribe button. New videos drop every week. Thanks for joining me today, and I'll catch you in the next one. Bye! 🚀

Want to watch the whole video experiment? Check it out here


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